
Hodlonaut's 3 Most Based Moments

based Hodlonaut

Hodlonaut, a Bitcoin advocate and expert who successfully fought off Faketoshi Craig Wright in Norwegian court, holds a number of based viewpoints.

As a passionate person who encourages his followers to engage in meaningful activities like exercising and buying the best money of all time, Bitcoin, Hodlonaut has earned the respect of many. Today, I will dive into what I think are three of Hodlonaut's most based moments.

Chemicals in the milk


Hodlonaut is passionate about food being free of harmful chemicals (in this case cow methane inhibitors), much how like Bitcoin is free of things that hinder it, including central banks and middlemen. In based fashion, he showcased the chemically manipulated milk being produced in his home country of Norway, which generated over 12,000 likes on X. Unsurprisingly, it turns out that many people, especially Bitcoiners, care deeply about the purity of their food.

Angel investor gets rekt


Jason Calacanis from the All In Podcast (featuring other tech entrepreneurs), made a tweet attempting to paint himself as a Bitcoin savant who opposes Michael Saylor's actions. In the comments, Hodlonaut posted a based reply showing that Calacanis did not truly believe in Bitcoin's vision and was merely virtue signaling.

The most entertaining part about this exchange is the price of Bitcoin now in comparison to when Jason made his original tweet. Anyone who bought at $3700 would now be up over 2400%.

Defeating Faketoshi


After Faketoshi Craight Wright claimed that Hodlonaut defamed him by pointing out his status as a fraud, he filed an initial suit against Hodlonaut in the United Kingdom. However, while that case was pending, Hodlonaut went on the offensive and countersued Wright in Norway to put an end to the faker's nonsense.

After a trial that took place in Norway, Craig Wright suffered a humiliating defeat after he made ridiculous claims, such as stomping on the hard drive containing Satoshi's private keys. For years, Hodlonaut has been fighting against the false claims made by Craig Wright, and his decisive victory against the fraudster showcased his based nature, making him a great follow on X.