
Faketoshi Craig Wright Seen in Phuket Alley Begging for Money

Faketoshi begging for money

In a stark turn of events, Faketoshi Craig Wright's life has gone from bad to worse. Ever since English Judge Mellor made a judgment in COPA's trial against Wright, confirming in law that Wright is a fraudulent Satoshi, Faketoshi fled to Phuket, Thailand, to avoid potential criminal prosecution in the UK.

Local reports indicate that Wright is holed up in a shed on the outskirts of the city, scraping by accepting BSV cultist podcast invites and doing part-time clown work for a local circus. He was not able to find any other work due to his extensive past defrauding various people and organizations regarding his false claim of being Satoshi Nakamoto.

However, he was recently fired from the local circus after a young boy cheering in the crowd accidentally threw his ice cream onto Faketoshi's outfit, resulting in him cursing the boy out.

As a result of his firing and cultist podcast opportunities drying up, Wright is in dire straits. Local news caught Faketoshi begging in an alley near a local bar that he frequents. Several Phuket natives noticed the pathetic Wright, laughing in his face and yelling in Thai, "Look guys, it's that rat, Faketoshi, the Satoshi cosplayer who got fired from the circus!"

Faketoshi, who understood a bit of Thai, yelled in response, "I wouldn't expect you baboons to appreciate my genius."


⚠️ This article is satire