The 10 Best Memes that Describe Craig Wright and BSV
The creator of the Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, is a cypherpunk genius who unleashed the greatest financial revolution in history. As a result of Satoshi's silence, serial fraud Craig Wright began the false assertion that he was Satoshi Nakamoto in 2015.
Eventually he assisted in creating a Bitcoin Cash fork known as Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV), which was designed to have his vision.
Unfortunately, since gullible people exist who can't read into an obvious rouse, many people have fallen for the Faketoshi scheme. Today, I will show the best memes which describe Craig Wright and BSV.
10. Bitcoin vs BSV price performance
Whenever a BSVer tries to maliciously convince you that the Bitcoin network is owned by Mastercard, and that BSV is a better investment, show them this meme.
(made by myself)
9. Realization of the BSV ponzi scheme
As a Bitcoin Cash fork and not being the longest chain of POW, BSV is undeniably not Bitcoin. But this doesn't stop paid shills like Kurt Wuckert Jr from constantly repeating the fake claim to goat more unsuspecting people into throwing money into the scam.
8. Faketoshi card
Credit to Tim Tayshun... The QR code is the 1Feex address!
7. Bitcoin vs BSV
6. The IPv6 mistake
Craig Wright, despite what people think, is not good at cosplaying as Satoshi.
5. BSV Blockchair explorer
BSV has such large block sizes that explorer service Blockchair couldn't keep up. What a useable blockchain!
4. When your forgeries are just that sloppy
Notice the "Peer-to-eer" mistake!
3. Back in 2018...
Since when did the real Satoshi or any other inventor want to see their own revolutionary creation fail?
2. Craig Wright Effect
1. Chief BSV Historian (shill) Kurt Wuckert Jr goofs
* Credit to Peter Scott-Morgan unless otherwise specified
The information in this article is based on research and represents the author's opinion, not established fact. Readers should evaluate independently.