
Samson Mow and JAN3 are Changing the World Through Bitcoin

Samson Mow with Jan3 logo

Samson Mow has a vision that Bitcoin will bring greater efficiency and transparency to the world at large. Through this vision, Mow has started on an ambitious goal: to bring legal Bitcoin adoption to all nation states in the world. And he's doing it through his brilliant new company, JAN3.

A Bitcoin company based in Hong Kong, JAN3 was founded by Samson Mow in 2022. The name of the company is derived from January 3rd, the day on which Satoshi Nakamoto mined the Bitcoin Genesis Block in 2009.

They specialize in providing consulting services and Bitcoin software tools for governments and citizens around the world. In addition, JAN3 aims to educate policymakers, encouraging them to adopt pro-innovation policies regarding Bitcoin.

El Salvador

As CEO of JAN3, Samson Mow frequently travels around the globe, meeting with leaders such as the prime minister of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele. El Salvador approved Bitcoin as legal tender in 2021. While this predated the existence of JAN3, Mow and JAN3 are instrumental in the continued adoption of Bitcoin in El Salvador, especially the new "Bitcoin City."

Mow is the architect of Bitcoin bonds and El Salvador among other countries like Indonesia will utilize them (more on this later).

Mow brings great expertise as the former Chief Marketing Officer of Blockstream, a key Bitcoin company responsible for widespread global adoption, including El Salvador. The Blockstream software kit will play a role in JAN3's business plan, enabling governments to connect with the rest of the world on Layer 2 Bitcoin for fast, nearly feeless transactions.

JAN3 also was one of the key players responsible for Bitcoin being legal tender in the Central African Republic, but sadly, the country reverted because of a low Internet usage rate among citizens. This is just a small setback, which only strengthens existing efforts by providing valuable insight for future nation state Bitcoin adoption.


Madeira is an island off the coast of Portugal and is thus governed by the European Union. In the spring of 2022, JAN3 helped to successfully roll out mass Bitcoin adoption in Madeira, but due to laws of the European Union, it cannot officially be legal tender there, as of now. But, that is beside the point.

The Madeira government has pledged for their economy to revolve around Bitcoin. Without JAN3, it's highly unlikely this would have taken place any time soon. Any nation supporting Bitcoin, even if it isn't by means of legal tender, will help increase the price and bring freedom to millions of unbanked people around the world.

To put it simply, there really are no other companies with the unique, valuable offerings that JAN3 provides.

Samson Mow with Mexican Senator Kempis
courtesy of Indira Kempis

What's next?

JAN3 has many ambitious projects. For example, recently, Samson Mow met with Mexican Senator Indira Kempis to discuss ways Mexico can adopt Bitcoin on a mass scale. Mow is truly bridging the gap and enabling valuable conversations with open-minded government officials that wouldn't have taken place otherwise.

The relationships that Mow and JAN3 are building with these leaders are invaluable.

Advancing the Bitcoin tooling that governments possess is essential in achieving the goal of Bitcoin being the #1 currency globally, known as "hyperbitcoinization." In a world where hyperbitcoinization exists, all other currencies would be valued in Bitcoin rather than the US dollar.

In addition, there are several countries that appear to be the next strong contenders for adopting Bitcoin at a national level. Chief among them, appears to be Indonesia.

Samson Mow meeting with Indonesian officials
Samson Mow meeting with Indonesian officials at Bitcoin 2023

Recently, Samson Mow met privately with West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil among other Indonesian officials at the Bitcoin 2023 conference in Miami.

West Java is an island province in Indonesia, and based on the successful nature of the meeting, you can expect more talks to take place soon concerning Indonesian Bitcoin adoption. A key part of the meeting was the discussion of Bitcoin bonds. Indonesia plans to roll these out on a national scale.

In addition to Indonesia, Samson Mow also confirmed in a recent speech that talks are underway with Costa Rica and Ecuador to create similar Bitcoin Bonds to the above countries using hydro power.


As more countries adopt Bitcoin on a national scale, a domino effect will take place, resulting in an orange wave that anti-Bitcoin regulators around the world won't be able to stop. Naturally, I will continue to report on the impressive feats achieved by JAN3.

Samson Mow recently spoke at Bitcoin 2023, emphasizing the bright future of Bitcoin. Mow is a true visionary who ignores the noise and delivers monumental global results for the best currency in history. It's in your best interest to pay close attention to the Bitcoin revolution Samson Mow's JAN3 is bringing to the world.